Can we feed the growing population in 2050?

Can we feed the growing population in 2050 - RoyalGroupAS

Currently, the daily effort to satisfy the collective appetite of humanity is leading to deforestation, erosion, extinction and the massive release of greenhouse gases…

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The importance of Bumble bee conservation

Climate change causes some flowers to bloom earlier or later than usual, leaving bees with fewer food sources. Bees are suffering from habitat loss from development…

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Mindfulness and Pro-Animal behavior

Mindfulness and Pro-Animal behavior

Are you running late for office since you took a badly hurt dog to a vet? Congratulations!! You just displayed a pro- animal behavior initiated by your mindfulness.

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Difference between livestock farming and animal husbandry 

Albeit, prima facie these terms – livestock farming and animal husbandry almost mean the same, there are quite a lot

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6 effective ways to curb livestock farming expenses


Livestock farming is one of the business operations when done right can reap a lot of profit to the farmers. Farmers can enjoy maximum profits when..

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Tips for effective advocacy for agriculture

Tips for effective advocacy for agriculture

“Agriculture is a part of you, but it’s not all of you”. In today world, information is everywhere and not to mention easily accessible. We are going to talk

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